
one of the most expensive and perhaps the most expensive fish in the world, luxury is very specific.   This fish is famous in Iran called Beluga, the most coarse, most expensive and rarest type of caviar and whiskey. Maximum longevity, weight and length, respectively: 80 years, with tons and 6 meters. This particular fish and expensive, each time after laying eggs again start laying eggs after about 2 years and between 10 to 15% by weight of the fish Khavyarsh form. The other interesting thing, usable and feeding of the fish meat is about 67% which is unique in its kind. Beluga caviar production in aquaculture to time in about 12 years requirement from light gray to dark gray and color range that varies and even black. Delicious and unique taste, coarse grains and high natural value in terms of time needed to produce caviar, of the difference between the price of this type of construction in caviar and other types of caviar.

Caviar is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fat. Its use in the prevention of disease and arthritis, and certain cancers of the gastrointestinal tract is very effective. This nutrient rich and full of vitality, full of omega-3 fatty acids. So, for the treatment of depression and cardiovascular disease is very beneficial.
Caviar is rich in iron. That is why you are taking it to people with anemia caused by iron deficiency is recommended. Vitamins in caviar could force the missing person recovering after surgery on his back great and infectious diseases. This precious food to strengthen the immune system can also eliminate the effects of anesthesia from surgery.

The energetic equivalent of 2704 calories per kilogram of caviar have been met. High levels of protein and essential amino acids caviar can be used to strengthen muscles and muscles are very effective and beneficial fats that can heal nerve disorders.

Many people caviar in the form of raw or impregnated with eggs and yolks are whipped. Some eat it with bread and butter. However, Beluga caviar is delicious all pairs! caviar